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Hydraulic Pipe Cutters
Stemar repairs, rents, and sells Wheeler-Rex hydraulic pipe cutters.
Stemar's hydraulic pipe cutters are the solution to cutting larger diameter:
Cast Iron Pipe
Sewer Pipe
Extra Heavy Cast Iron Soil Pipes
Water Main Classes 22, 25, & 26
Tile, Clay, Terra Cotta Pipes
Concrete Pipes
Asbestos Cement (A.C.) Pipe
Fly Ash
Hydraulic pipe cutters are not rotated around pipe, their remotely operated hydraulic pumps provide the required power to cleanly snap the pipe.
A 2"-3" minimum clearance is all that is needed to wrap the cutter chain around the pipe. Our hydraulic cutters come complete with pump, hose, cutter, chain, case, and extra oil.
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